I spy lost dvd

Has anyone heard of the TV show I spy? Basically it was based of the ever so popular book series that involved the reader to find various objects throughout the pages. In the show there were 2 main characters: Spyler and his dog CeCe, who had to find objects for whatever problem they had. When I was younger, I used to watch the show at my aunts house. I used to enjoy the show, but I moved on to other things as I got older.
One day I was walking home from my afternoon walk when I found a parcel on my doorstep. I took it inside and opened it. The parcel contained a note and a DVD case. I read the note first and it was from my aunt. It said,"Dear nephew, I was looking in my basement and found something you used to watch. I decided to send it to you because I had great memories of you watching the show. lots of love, Aunt."
After that I opened the DVD case and saw my old I Spy movie inside. Nostalgia hit me like a hammer so I decide to watch the movie. I hooked up my DVD player, put the disk in, and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and began to watch. It started like normal with the intro and all, but what was different was there was no episode selection so the movie just played by itself. As usual the camera zooms into the card house that the two main characters lived in. The camera cut to the inside to show Spyler and CeCe looking rather depressed than usual. "I can't believe he left us," Spyler muttered. "Its just not the same without him," CeCe replied. "Who was he?" I wondered to myself. Just then Spyler whispered something to CeCe that I couldn't hear. After that they left the house.
They arrived in the familiar building block city, but It looked like It was destroyed. Buildings were knocked down, toy cars were smashed flat, and there were small traces of blood on the roads. "What the hell happened here?" I wondered. Spyler picked up a metal pole and told CeCe it was time to leave. Presumably this was one of the objects they found. Usually when the find an item they would do the," whup! we found it!" dance, but they just kept walking. They walked by the forest that was in the show only to see that it was on fire. CeCe picked up a knife and they continued onward. They then stopped at the beach. I remember there was a giant sand castle here, but I saw that it was kicked down by something. Also the sky was pitch black with only the moon and the forest fire illuminating the place. They found a rope and left the area.
My mind was puzzled on what they were going to do with these items so I shrugged it off for now. They stopped at the haunted house. I remember it being in the book, but not the TV show. There was a graveyard right next to the house that I saw the two enter. They each picked up a tombstone and walked home. They entered the house and set up their materials. Spyler took part of the rope and tied it to the pole and attached it to the ceiling. CeCe took the rest of the rope and tied the knife to the table. I figured out what they were doing, committing suicide. They then spoke to me with pure hatred. " YOU ABANDONED US TYLER!" Spyler screamed. " YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY IF YOU STAYED WITH US. NOW WE WILL LEAVE YOU!" Cece yelled. The screams scared the shit out of me so I tried to turn of the tv, but it wouldn't turn off.
CeCe let her head drop on the table. The knife slit her throat and blood rushed out. Spyler put the rope around his neck and said one more thing to me. " See you in hell", he said before hanging himself. the screen cut to text saying "2 days later". All the other toys were standing near there gravestones staring at me. All of them spoke to me demonically. " This was all your fault. If you would have stayed they would still be alive". The tv then shut off. " Well that was fucked up", I said aloud. I took the disk out and went to the bathroom. I took a shit on the disk and flushed it down the toilet hoping I would never see it again.